Meet Our Board: Suzanne
Categorized as: About us, Grantmaking strategy, Our Partners, Stories & Tagged as: Board Members, California, Family, Suzanne Skees, Working remotely on March 24, 2018.

Suzanne interviewing a local job-creation partner and his employee in Assam, India with Upaya Social Ventures. Arindam (right) and his wife tell their love-and-work story in Chapter 2 of MY JOB: Real People at Work Around the World, Book 1, our foundation’s social-mission book that shares true stories of people in a wide range of jobs, cultures, and places, and raises funds for job-creation programs to end poverty.
Editor’s note: We continue our series of video stories from our Board members with our founder, Suzanne Skees. Born in Dayton, Ohio, Suzanne attended Xavier University in Cincinnati (B.A./English), then moved to Massachusetts to attend Boston College (M.A./English) and Harvard Divinity School (M.T.S./International Theology). Relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 1990s, Suzanne worked as a journalist prior to launching the Skees Family Foundation in 2004. Her dream of collaborating with her “ordinary family with an extraordinary wish to end poverty,” has come true, with 40 family members across three generations serving together.
A fervent believer in the power of story to connect people and catalyze change, Suzanne recently published MY JOB: Real People at Work Around the World. The book is a special social-mission project of SFF, with 100% of author proceeds and donations going to nonprofit job-creation programs that provide dignified work as a path out of poverty. She’s full-steam ahead, editing MY JOB Book 2. For sneak-peek snippets into who’s featured in the next book and (occasional) news on when it will be released, sign up here.
By Suzanne Skees, Founder, Board Chair, and Storyteller
Check out Jasmine’s video here, and stay tuned for Brienne, Elisabeth, Sally, and Shelly in the coming months!
If you would like to send a greeting or comment to Suzanne–or offer feedback on ways our foundation might work better together–please write to [email protected].
LEARN more about all of our grantees here.
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